• Question: How can we take care of our world?

    Asked by anon-326135 on 16 May 2022.
    • Photo: Martina Conti

      Martina Conti answered on 16 May 2022:

      Wow that’s a great question and there’s no easy answer!
      From a climate change and environmental point of view, I believe that if you think more about what you do and where things come from, our world would be better and have less waste. For example, instead of throwing away clothes that don’t fit you or you don’t like anymore and buying some more, go to charity shops or swap clothes with friends. My parents used to swap clothes with friends who had older or younger daughters.
      You can also be more mindful of where your food comes from: local food has travelled less and polluted less than something coming from Australia or South America. I also try to eat more seasonal food for the same reason.
      I also try to walk more than taking my car especially for short trips to reduce emission and also how much I spend on petrol.
      The important thing is to start thinking about what you can do in a small scale and making little changes in everyday life, but don’t stress out! Do what you can and stay well and healthy 🙂

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 17 Jun 2022:

      Martina gave you a great answer there !

      On top of that I’d also add to throw the rubbish in the right bin so it gets recycled; save water by having quicker showers and turning the tap off when you’re brushing your teeth; turning lights off in rooms when there’s nobody there; taking care of nature – eating fish from responsible sources, not disturbing nests and wildlife habitat and planting flowers that bees love.

      All of this ensures we don’t waste unnecessary limited resources and that our animal and plant friends populations can remain with us for much longer !
